Barren City (2020)


Inspired by the false alarm of an unspecified incident that happened at Pickering Nuclear Generating Station, Ontario on Jan. 12th, 2020, this 360-degree video piece provides an immersive experience of what a normal city would look like in an aftermath of a nuclear disaster. Without humans' maintenance, Mother Nature slowly regains its presence in the urban environment, showing its astonishing adaptability – which is also reflected during the COVID-19 pandemic.

This is a team project accomplished together with Birintan Mohanraj.

A section of pavement without maintenance. Mississauga, Canada, 2020.

A section of pavement without maintenance. Mississauga, Canada, 2020.


1st Front St West: Past, Present & Future (2021, Unfinished)


Farewell CLRV (2019)